Take Selfie

Verification result will be displayed here.
Camera View
Please complete your KYC in 5 Seconds.


Video preview goes here.


My Name is Name. I live in Address. I have uploaded Document Name as Proof Of Identity and its number is Document Number


Before continuing to Video KYC, please read the note given below:

KYC process includes ID card verification, face verification, and document verification.

  • Avoid dark rooms and strong background lights.
  • Go for a smartphone camera and not a webcam, if you can choose.
  • Clean the camera's lens.
  • Take a photo with a steady hand or use a tripod.
  • You must remember your document name and number which is submitted for Identity and Address Proof.
  • You must carry your document.
  • Make sure the room is full of light where you done your video KYC.
  • Read loud and clear the text given in the prompter.
  • Don't cover your face with anything.

  • We value your Privacy
    We will not sell or distribute your contact information. Read our Privacy Policy.
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